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Personal Breathalysers > REDLINE Disposable Personal-Use Breathalyser - 10 Pack
REDLINE Disposable Personal-Use Breathalyser - 10 Pack

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Price: $33.00
Availability: In Stock
Prod. Code: REDLINE (10)

What are REDLINE?

REDLINE are the only DISPOSABLE personal-use breath alcohol testing device which are a Certified Product in accordance with accuracy & reliability requirements of AS 3547-1997 (the same Standard used to Clertify the accuracy and reliability of police-use hand-held digital devices, wall-mounted machines, etc).

What Do They Do?

REDLINE quickly and easily provide a non-evidential indication of a minimum presence of 0.02BAC, and against a measure of 0.05BAC.

They are Easy to use, and easily fit into the pocket, handbag or motor-vehicle glove-box. They are supplied in a 10-unit pack, ideal for 'at the workplace' and promotional applcations.

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